Monday, January 28, 2013


Hello Blogosphere! I think today's projects came out pretty damn good.
 I made Delicious snicker-doodles for the first time! 
I also made a some snicker-doodle toast as my brother called them, as well. They got really brown and toasted because I walked away and forgot about them....Ooops! I also got back into making bracelets. The big thing this year for 2013 for jewelry is...
So I made a chain bracelet woven with embroidery thread. I made it with gold and (more blue then) emerald thread. I will take pictures and post later. I hope you all had a great day as well! Goodnight, and goodbye!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hello Blogosphere!  I'm Gabriel, I'm a 20 year old blogger who has joined only to follow Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter. But I'm going to give a try at this blogging thing. I'm almost done with my A.S. in Digital Multimedia. I hope to go on to my bachelors by the end of next year. I don't know any good 4 year colleges for digital multimedia so if you know any please message me. I live in a little country town in Polk County and hope to get out soon.
I love messing with makeup. That is why Halloween is my favorite holiday.
I have a beautiful family that has seen me at my darkest times and still loves me. 

I've learned by far I don't have a perfect life. I have social anxiety, dyslexia and I'm a fluffy girl. My life though has been filled with such beautifully perfect memories. I may not have every treasure I've ever wanted, I sure got some treasures though. Here's a little video I made of my family, hope it makes you smile! :)